Wednesday, January 25, 2012

0 Up up and up

Today I went to do some reflections at Reflections at Bt Chandu. It was a long but good walk up the winding road to Point 227. Halfway through I doubted whether I was on the right trail. There was not a soul around, no humans, no cars, not a single creature stirring (except for the ever noisy cicada) despite it being midday. I persisted and eventually got to the restored two storey villa.

As expected it was extremely quiet for a designated National Heritage site. Either there's a lack of promotion, a lack of interest in war and history, or it's too out-of-the-way, or a combination of all three.

This audio-visual narration employs a holographic 'pepys ghost effect.'

At the Well of Reflections.

I shall save all the intellectual talk for my essay. After tutorial, I made a stop at BRP for the essentials. (1)BRM's steel cutters; (2)Maranatha's roasted AB (on quick sale!); (3)Back to Nature apple blueberry granola (on quick sale too!); (4)Nakd cocoa mint; (5)Justin's dark choc PB cups. I figured that having saved much on the quick sale items, I could get more snackies like the energy bar and pb cups ;) Oh steel cutters, how art miss thee.

Ate super lots today. First, for mid-morning snack I had UK-style Ensure Plus i.e. in the 220ml bottle instead of the regular tetra pak 200ml. The reason for the switch was that the expiry date was looming for the former (01 2012 in fact). In other words, I was sort of coerced/obligated into drinking that. Nevertheless, that I completed it all in one sitting marks a significant departure from my normal practice.

Lunch was vegetarian in Arts Canteen. I didn't intend on vegetarian as I wanted to bulk up on real protein a.k chicken/fish. But by 1+ pm all the food at the economic rice stall look so yucks, so again I went back to the same stuff. The only redemption was the brown rice - which I completed all and this time I didn't even ask for less rice! I then contemplated if I should eat the Korean Fuji apple I packed, which I did, and mind you, it was a huge one.

I had more than usual for dinner too. Apart from extra dishes and larger portion of fish, I had four pieces of papaya. Now feeling a bit bloated, but surprisingly, not uncomfortably so. I think those digestive pills are seriously effective, or that my metabolism has gone wild. Whatever it is, at least I am having appetite now - on the right track of up up up!

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