Thursday, April 5, 2012

0 Another week gone by

Several interesting events happened this week.

First, met up with another potential FYP prof yesterday. I was quite taken aback - and somewhat disapointed - by the offerings. Due to resource constraints, he offered a "dry" bench project, actually two in fact: a computer animation one and a MRI analysis. I'm pinning my hopes on LKL now; otherwise I may consider Tang or Tan. It seems all my friends have secured their projects already. I'm so late in the race!

This morning I was woken up at 5 AM by an irritating engine that whirred and grooved non-stop. It's similar to those kind of inconsiderate motorcycles, except that there wasn't any Doppler effect, meaning the vehicle was stationary - and blaring. It was only 4 hours later that I realized why - a dark blue Mercedes car had rolled into the longkang. Oh, what bad luck he had. Seriously, I pity him. Only at 9 AM was the tow truck there to pull his car away.

During immuno lab today I got to test out my own saliva for IgG and IgA - an assay reflecting my oral health. S. mutans, the main bacteria for tooth decay, was the antigen. IgA is found in the mucosa and oral cavity, and so expected to be present in high amounts (though too high is also not a good indicator), but IgG is mainly in the blood so not expected to be in high amounts. However, there was 2.3 units/ml IgG detected (by indirect ELISA), compared to friend which had negligible amounts. Attributable to gum bleeding? Maybe.

This semester, if anything, has made me an essay churning machine.
Bye bye, more essays to write, although its Good Friday tomorrow.

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