Friday, April 20, 2012

2 Happyness

Deduct four hours from one day for eating, eight hours for sleeping, and in the remaining twelve hours, if you're doing what you want to do, that's happiness.

-Shu Qi


  1. Good sat morning wabster (: I managed to do 45kg barbell deadlifts at the gym. Come to think of it, that’s almost lifiting you haha ! well I can do max of 5 reps at one time before im exhausted. Aiming to work my way up with slow increments of 5kg each time.

    Aand, I had the biggest breakfast since my arrivial into bne. For the past few weeks, even on my non-fasting days I’ve been missing breakfast. Partly cause I aiint that hungry after gym workouts and I dunno what to eat. No oats, no grains for paleo so im stuck ! but they do allow eggs so heres what I had:

    Scrambled eggs (4x free range eggs 500g each with butter and light sour cream in replace of crème fraiche cuz aus supermarkets don’t sell) 2x huge Portobello mushrooms grilled with olive oil. 1x tomato grilled too. ¼ avocado and their avos here are big ! handful of shredded turkey breast. How awesomes yes?

    And for dessert (which I shouldn’t do too often) 2x long baked bananas dusted with cinnamon and eaten with almond nut butter ! im stoked. Oh yeah yesterday I attmempted my third IF for the week but I couldn’t make it to 24hrs. was having ‘cold turkey’ by the 21hr mark cuz the lib was so cold ! didn’t have my jacket too so I went home and indulged in tuna avo salad.

    As for nut butters, yes plz, I’d love a walnut nut butter if there is. No added salt, and I’d leave it to you to choose which brand. If not, good ol’ almond butter. I wanna try another brand (not the one with added salt). Thanks much !

    And perhaps its time for sg to wake up ! after soo many years of being the most efficient country in transport and other matters, its time to buck up. I’m glad sort of, in a way that its happening. But its annoying that people keep posting it on fb. I mean what can you do about it right..


  2. Wow, 45 kg! That's more than lifting me! and 4 eggs!That's a massive protein-filled breakfast! And all with yolks? I onced tried an egg white omelette with 2 eggs and some other ingredients (can't really remember what) and was pretty filling.

    Have a good weekend!
