... so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”
This morning's Bible reading was the parable of the good Samaritan from Luke 10. It should be a familiar story: a man was robbed and left to despair on the streets. People passed by but ignored him; only a good Samaritan displayed care, kindness and mercy and helped him.
In an uncanny manner, many situations today offered the opportunity to be a good Samaritan. Unfortunately, it was always in hindsight that I realize it. In TTSH on my way to school, there was an elderly man sitting pitifully outside the pharmacy, right smack at the entrance. The morning crowd noticed him, looked on, ignored him and rushed on. It was almost a replica scene straight out of the Bible. Unfortunately I was also one of the passers-by who did nothing. But through this I believe it was almost a sign from Him??
Later on in Gleneagles food court where Hamm & I were having lunch after my doctor's appointment, a lady left a bunch of keys behind. Another man noticed it and Sam handed it over to the security desk. Luckily we were there long enough to see the lady return for her keys. A simple kind act can help so much; I definitely wouldn't want to lose my keys, much less a bunch of it.
I want to work on getting back my neighborly attitude, to show care and find time for others. It's all too easy to get caught up in the business of everyday work and ignore everything else that doesn't contribute to your productivity But all these toil and slog is meaningless for without care and interaction, a robot could easily replace one.
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